Heather R. Straub, PLLC
An experienced litigator with a passion for justice...
An experienced litigator with a passion for justice...

Since Heather’s admission to practice in 2004, she has been a zealous advocate for her clients in civilian courts, courts-martials, and administrative board hearings. Heather’s past successes include outstanding outcomes for Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines facing serious criminal charges, such as sexual assault, domestic violence, serious felony assaults, robberies, drug offenses, DUIs, complex fraud/identity theft charges, and many other crimes. Heather has helped thousands of criminal defendants over the last decade + through her determined approach to trial advocacy, negotiation strategy, and comprehensive defense plan. Many grateful clients have avoided significant prison/jail time and other penalties under civilian law or the UCMJ. She has also been successful in saving many military members’ careers or preventing members from receiving less than honorable discharge characterizations.Practice Philosophy:
Heather and her team are determined to obtain the best possible outcome at trial, courts-martial, and administrative board hearings. Each client can count on a comprehensive defense strategy that addresses both military and civilian issues that may arise and impact each other. Heather is well-accustomed to working with commanders and leadership to collaborate and achieve the best results for her clients, yet she is not afraid to confront commanders if required for her clients’ best interests. Most civilian attorneys do not understand the military career implications resulting from criminal charges, to include adverse enlisted and officer evaluations, letters of reprimands, and administrative separations that could result in discharge characterizations of less than honorable. Heather understands that for military clients, the consequences of any allegations of wrong-doing can be devastating without the right legal approach. It is her mission to defend the servicemembers – who fight so hard for us – when they themselves are under attack.arguing before the Washington Court of Appeals (Division One). Most of all, Heather is a tireless advocate for her clients, working above all to ensure that their rights and interests are protected.Education:
University of Washington School of Law, Juris Doctor degreeDuke University, Bachelor of Arts (English/History), cum laude
Affiliations, Publications and Honors:
Heather is admitted to the Washington State Bar Association (WSBA), US Federal District Court – Western District of Washington, and the US Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims. Heather is an active member of the American Bar Association (ABA) and American Bar Foundation, and was recently elected as a Board Member of the prestigious Washington Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (WACDL). Heather serves as Vice-Chair of the WSBA Legal Assistance to Military Personnel Section (LAMP). Thomson Reuters named Heather a Criminal Defense Super Lawyer and Rising Star (Top Attorneys under 40) two years in a row (2013 & 2014) for Washington State. Heather speaks frequently at legal education seminars (CLEs) and other engagements, and has published several articles relating to criminal and military legal issues. The United States Army Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School recognized Heather for her support to its 2010 Worldwide Continuing Legal Education Conference. Heather remains active in working with and providing cross-training to Judge Advocates from all service branches in the Puget Sound region. She has also received numerous other awards and recognition for her achievements, including a 10.0 “Superb Rating” on Avvo.com.Publications:
Heather enjoys writing scholarly articles for the legal community, to include the following recent publications focusing on military and veterans:Defending Members of the Service: Military Law for Non-Military Lawyers
DEFENSE Magazine, Washington Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (WACDL)
November 1, 2014
Military justice basics for civilian criminal defense lawyers.
Fighting the War at Home: Representing veteran clients during the drawdown
August 1, 2014
Article illustrates some of the contemporary issues facing attorneys who represent veterans charged with civilian crimes. Discusses identifying veterans, establishing rapport, watching for signs of PTSD and combat trauma, and more.
If you need help, please email or call (253) 363-9703 today.